Harps And Chords

Root note Chord type
Add the chord to list

Harps ordered by relevance

You can use this little tool to find out which harmonica you should consider, when playing a tune.

You choose the chords by using the two dropdowns and add the chord to the list, by clicking the button below.

Now you will see all the harmonicas that can play one or more of the notes in the chord. The harmonicas are sorted by relevance, with the harmonica that can play the most of the notes in the chords, at the top of the list.

By clicking on one of the notes, you can see where on the harmonicas you can find that note. You can also click on the chord to get all the notes in the chord highlighted.

By clicking on the key of one of the harmonicas you can fade out harmonicas you don't wan't to see.

This little tool can help you in playing music, but at the end of the day you should trust your musical ear, over this tool.